
ENNUI Editors


Edwin Person
(issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18 - )

Edwin (b. 1959) was with us at the beginning of ENNUI. His story is one of the steepest upward mobility leaps the media world has ever seen. Humbly feeding Xeroxes and printing machines at Conde Nast Indonesia (a position that was a result of several bad postgraduate decisions), he stepped on an email inviting one of the Vogue interns to consider a position at the head of a new and exciting venture into the magazine world. Edwin saw this first as a prank, then, when his fake CV was accepted by the ENNUI publishers, as a chance. He oversaw ENNUI nos. 1 to 9, culminating in a groundbreaking issue on that latest lifestyle trend in contemporary no-collar world - the Whatster (the article itself, penned by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative sociologist Sean P. Calliotti, is currently being adapted for a Hollywood movie, starring no one of note). After this issue, Edwin decided he could not bear the strain of a weekly publication and retreated into the video game and pizza world of Pacific Midwest. Now, for the first time since March, he returns for a new stint at ENNUI, creatively summing up his experience as a gamer in tranquility. 


(issues 14151617

Dr. von Wittgenstaufen helped ENNUI reach new heights in the chosen field. With his exhausting and inexhaustible analytical skills Dr. von Wittgenstaufen has made ENNUI a fixture of every dust-laden coffee table in the world. He also made an important contribution to ENNUI's marketing along the way. It is Dr. von Wittgenstaufen who, by virtue of long preparation of the issues he has put out, taught us that ENNUI's goals to slow the reader down and introduce her or him to the splendors of boredom and its many facets can be met without having to adhere to the rules of magazine circulation. That is to say, ENNUI under Dr. von Wittgenstaufen was emphatically not a weekly. Unfortunately, scientific pursuits have distracted Dr. von Wittgenstaufen from further honing a reporting career. He proposed to make ENNUI a yearly publication, but ENNUI's publishers had to decline the offer for tax reasons. 

Paris Hilton 
(issues 10, 11, 12, 13

Heiress to a hotel chain needs no introduction. With Paris at the helm, the unofficial insider slogan to ENNUI has become "Boredom On Steroids". Her social skills drew a new, important crowd to ENNUI as the magazine came to be regarded as a primary networking tool at the tedious SPA stints and massage parlor waiting rooms all over the world. With Paris, ENNUI was a neverending fun fest of name-dropping, photoshopping and, last but not least, finger-popping at restaurants where no sneaker dared to tread. The Good And Bad issue remains a bestseller for ENNUI, and its top position is unlikely to be challenged in the nearest future. So it was with great sadness that we saw Paris to a hospital with a severe case of ADD, and that is where she resides to this day.